How do you show that the Canary Islands have the best climate in the world? Well, by showing them to someone who can’t even imagine them. Goroka and PDH put the eyes and enthusiasm to this trip and the result was magical. The Smile of the Sun was, apart from being an audio-visual project, also a human challenge.
Finding yourself with temperatures of less than 40 degrees below zero, strong winds…the worst conditions for working in that I have ever experienced.
Bernat Sampol, director of photography

Making of presented at the 69th edition of the Cannes Film Festival (2016)
Kulusuk is a town with Little more than 300 inhabitants. The people live off hunting and fishing. There is only one school, which has about 70 students, just one hotel and a church built by a Danish crew who were shipwrecked on its coast and used the wreck of their shattered vessel to build it.
Move a human group, with a still very traditional lifestyle, Arctic hunters and fishermen, and take them to the other side of the world to confront them with a radically opposite climate to theirs as well as a very different society, is something not to be taken lightly.
Guille Cascante, director

Short version
The sensations they are experiencing are what westerners felt when they were little.
Francesc Bailón, anthropologist
They say that a man’s true voyage is one in which he finds himself. Like the projects, each of our trips has led us to what we truly are. Each kilometre, each wave, each country and each distant friend defines us, and being able to show it from our perspective completes us.
Complete version